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Oracle8 Turning 〜計測開始〜

Oracle8 Tuning



  • 2001.01.19 新規作成



  • utlbstat.sql,utlestat.sqlがある事を確認する.
    • このファイルは普通のインストール方法で存在する.

db1% cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
db1% pwd
db1% ls -la *stat.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   other      50653  2月 16日 1999年 dbmsstat.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   other       4546  2月 16日 1999年 utlbstat.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   other      14187  2月 16日 1999年 utlestat.sql

  • サーバマネージャを起動し,utlbstat.sqlを実行する.

SVRMGR> @utlbstat.sql
Echo                            ON
SVRMGR> connect internal;
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> Rem                 First create all the tables
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_stats;
drop table stats$begin_stats
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_stats as select * from v$sysstat where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_stats;
drop table stats$end_stats
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_stats as select * from stats$begin_stats;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_latch;
drop table stats$begin_latch
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_latch as select * from v$latch where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_latch;
drop table stats$end_latch
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_latch as select * from stats$begin_latch;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_roll;
drop table stats$begin_roll
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_roll as select * from v$rollstat where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_roll;
drop table stats$end_roll
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_roll as select * from stats$begin_roll;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_lib;
drop table stats$begin_lib
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_lib as select * from v$librarycache where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_lib;
drop table stats$end_lib
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_lib as select * from stats$begin_lib;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_dc;
drop table stats$begin_dc
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_dc as select * from v$rowcache where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_dc;
drop table stats$end_dc
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_dc as select * from stats$begin_dc;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_event;
drop table stats$begin_event
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_event as select * from v$system_event where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_event;
drop table stats$end_event
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_event as select * from stats$begin_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_bck_event;
drop table stats$begin_bck_event
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_bck_event
     2>   (event varchar2(200), total_waits number, time_waited number);
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_bck_event;
drop table stats$end_bck_event
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_bck_event as select * from stats$begin_bck_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$dates;
drop table stats$dates
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$dates (start_time date, end_time date);
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop view stats$file_view;
drop view stats$file_view
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create view stats$file_view as
     2>   select ts.name    ts,
     3>          i.name     name,
     4>          x.phyrds pyr,
     5>          x.phywrts pyw,
     6>          x.readtim prt,
     7>          x.writetim pwt,
     8>          x.phyblkrd pbr,
     9>          x.phyblkwrt pbw,
    10>          round(i.bytes/1000000) megabytes_size
    11>   from v$filestat x, ts$ ts, v$datafile i,file$ f
    12>  where i.file#=f.file#
    13>    and ts.ts#=f.ts#
    14>    and x.file#=f.file#;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_file;
drop table stats$begin_file
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_file as select * from stats$file_view where 0 = 1;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_file;
drop table stats$end_file
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_file as select * from stats$begin_file;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_waitstat;
drop table stats$begin_waitstat
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$begin_waitstat as select * from v$waitstat where 1=0;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_waitstat;
drop table stats$end_waitstat
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$end_waitstat as select * from stats$begin_waitstat;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> Rem                    Gather start statistics
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> insert into stats$dates select sysdate, null from dual;
1 row processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_waitstat select * from v$waitstat;
14 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_bck_event
     2>   select event, sum(total_waits), sum(time_waited)
     3>     from v$session s, v$session_event e
     4>     where type = 'BACKGROUND' and s.sid = e.sid
     5>     group by event;
15 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_event select * from v$system_event;
26 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_roll select * from v$rollstat;
5 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_file select * from stats$file_view;
8 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_dc select * from v$rowcache;
23 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_stats select * from v$sysstat;
219 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_lib select * from v$librarycache;
8 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$begin_latch select * from v$latch;
142 rows processed.
SVRMGR> commit;
Statement processed.

  • エラーが出ているが,これは不要なテーブルを削除しているためで,初回実行時には存在しないためである.
  • その後のcreate及びinsert等の処理がStatement processedとなっていれば,問題ない.
  • データベースを利用する処理を実行する.
    • 今回は,impコマンドを用いて全データインポートを行う処理とした.
  • 処理が終了したら,サーバマネージャよりutlestat.sqlを実行する.

db1% svrmgrl

Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

(c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning and Java options
PL/SQL Release - Production

SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> @utlestat.sql
Echo                            ON
SVRMGR> connect internal;
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> Rem                Gather Ending Statistics
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_latch select * from v$latch;
142 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_stats select * from v$sysstat;
219 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_lib select * from v$librarycache;
8 rows processed.
SVRMGR> update stats$dates set end_time = sysdate;
1 row processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_event select * from v$system_event;
36 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_bck_event
     2>   select event, sum(total_waits), sum(time_waited)
     3>     from v$session s, v$session_event e
     4>     where type = 'BACKGROUND' and s.sid = e.sid
     5>     group by event;
22 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_waitstat select * from v$waitstat;
14 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_roll select * from v$rollstat;
5 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_file select * from stats$file_view;
8 rows processed.
SVRMGR> insert into stats$end_dc select * from v$rowcache;
23 rows processed.
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> Rem                Create Summary Tables
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> drop table stats$stats;
drop table stats$stats
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$latches;
drop table stats$latches
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$roll;
drop table stats$roll
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$files;
drop table stats$files
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$dc;
drop table stats$dc
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$lib;
drop table stats$lib
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$event;
drop table stats$event
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$bck_event;
drop table stats$bck_event
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> drop table stats$waitstat;
drop table stats$waitstat
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SVRMGR> create table stats$stats as
     2> select  e.value-b.value change , n.name
     3>    from v$statname n ,  stats$begin_stats b , stats$end_stats e
     4>         where n.statistic# = b.statistic# and n.statistic# = e.statistic#;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$latches as
     2> select  e.gets-b.gets gets,
     3>         e.misses-b.misses misses,
     4>         e.sleeps-b.sleeps sleeps,
     5>         e.immediate_gets-b.immediate_gets immed_gets,
     6>         e.immediate_misses-b.immediate_misses immed_miss,
     7>         n.name
     8>    from v$latchname n ,  stats$begin_latch b , stats$end_latch e
     9>         where n.latch# = b.latch# and n.latch# = e.latch#;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$event as
     2>   select  e.total_waits-b.total_waits event_count,
     3>           e.time_waited-b.time_waited time_waited,
     4>           e.event
     5>     from  stats$begin_event b , stats$end_event e
     6>     where b.event = e.event
     7>   union all
     8>   select  e.total_waits event_count,
     9>           e.time_waited time_waited,
    10>           e.event
    11>     from  stats$end_event e
    12>     where e.event not in (select b.event from stats$begin_event b);
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Rem background waits
SVRMGR> create table stats$bck_event as
     2>   select  e.total_waits-b.total_waits event_count,
     3>           e.time_waited-b.time_waited time_waited,
     4>           e.event
     5>     from  stats$begin_bck_event b , stats$end_bck_event e
     6>     where b.event = e.event
     7>   union all
     8>   select  e.total_waits event_count,
     9>           e.time_waited time_waited,
    10>           e.event
    11>     from  stats$end_bck_event e
    12>     where e.event not in (select b.event from stats$begin_bck_event b);
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Rem subtrace background events out of regular events
SVRMGR> update stats$event e
     2>   set (event_count, time_waited) =
     3>         (select e.event_count - b.event_count,
     4>                 e.time_waited - b.time_waited
     5>           from stats$bck_event b
     6>          where e.event = b.event)
     7>    where e.event in (select b.event from stats$bck_event b);
22 rows processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$waitstat as
     2> select  e.class,
     3>         e.count - b.count count,
     4>         e.time - b.time time
     5>   from stats$begin_waitstat b, stats$end_waitstat e
     6>    where e.class = b.class;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$roll as
     2> select  e.usn undo_segment,
     3>         e.gets-b.gets trans_tbl_gets,
     4>         e.waits-b.waits trans_tbl_waits,
     5>         e.writes-b.writes undo_bytes_written,
     6>         e.rssize segment_size_bytes,
     7>         e.xacts-b.xacts xacts,
     8>         e.shrinks-b.shrinks shrinks,
     9>         e.wraps-b.wraps wraps
    10>    from stats$begin_roll b, stats$end_roll e
    11>         where e.usn = b.usn;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$files as
     2> select b.ts table_space,
     3>        b.name file_name,
     4>        e.pyr-b.pyr phys_reads,
     5>        e.pbr-b.pbr phys_blks_rd,
     6>        e.prt-b.prt phys_rd_time,
     7>        e.pyw-b.pyw phys_writes,
     8>        e.pbw-b.pbw phys_blks_wr,
     9>        e.pwt-b.pwt phys_wrt_tim,
    10>        e.megabytes_size
    11>   from stats$begin_file b, stats$end_file e
    12>        where b.name=e.name;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$dc as
     2> select b.parameter name,
     3>        e.gets-b.gets get_reqs,
     4>        e.getmisses-b.getmisses get_miss,
     5>        e.scans-b.scans scan_reqs,
     6>        e.scanmisses-b.scanmisses scan_miss,
     7>        e.modifications-b.modifications mod_reqs,
     8>        e.count count,
     9>        e.usage cur_usage
    10>   from stats$begin_dc b, stats$end_dc e
    11>        where b.cache#=e.cache#
    12>         and  nvl(b.subordinate#,-1) = nvl(e.subordinate#,-1);
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> create table stats$lib as
     2> select e.namespace,
     3>        e.gets-b.gets gets,
     4>        e.gethits-b.gethits gethits,
     5>        e.pins-b.pins pins,
     6>        e.pinhits-b.pinhits pinhits,
     7>        e.reloads - b.reloads reloads,
     8>        e.invalidations - b.invalidations invalidations
     9>   from stats$begin_lib b, stats$end_lib e
    10>        where b.namespace = e.namespace;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Rem *******************************************************************
SVRMGR> Rem              Output statistics
SVRMGR> Rem *******************************************************************
SVRMGR> spool report.txt;
SVRMGR> set charwidth 12
Charwidth                       12
SVRMGR> set numwidth 10
Numwidth                        10
SVRMGR> Rem Select Library cache statistics.  The pin hit rate should be high.
SVRMGR> select namespace library,
     2>        gets,
     3>        round(decode(gethits,0,1,gethits)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3)
     4>           gethitratio,
     5>        pins,
     6>        round(decode(pinhits,0,1,pinhits)/decode(pins,0,1,pins),3)
     7>           pinhitratio,
     8>        reloads, invalidations
     9>   from stats$lib;
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
BODY                  1          1          1          1          0          0
CLUSTER              46          1         70          1          0          0
INDEX                56       .018         56       .018          0          0
OBJECT                0          1          0          1          0          0
PIPE                  0          1          0          1          0          0
SQL AREA           9505       .961      61914       .989          1        127
TABLE/PROCED        919       .838       1468       .716         48          0
TRIGGER               0          1          0          1          0          0
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 27;
Charwidth                       27
SVRMGR> set numwidth 12;
Numwidth                        12
SVRMGR> Rem The total is the total value of the statistic between the time
SVRMGR> Rem bstat was run and the time estat was run.  Note that the estat
SVRMGR> Rem script logs on as "internal" so the per_logon statistics will
SVRMGR> Rem always be based on at least one logon.
SVRMGR> select n1.name "Statistic",
     2>        n1.change "Total",
     3>        round(n1.change/trans.change,2) "Per Transaction",
     4>        round(n1.change/logs.change,2)  "Per Logon",
     5>        round(n1.change/(to_number(to_char(end_time,   'J'))*60*60*24 -
     6>                         to_number(to_char(start_time, 'J'))*60*60*24 +
     7>                         to_number(to_char(end_time,   'SSSSS')) -
     8>                         to_number(to_char(start_time, 'SSSSS')))
     9>              , 2) "Per Second"
    10>    from stats$stats n1, stats$stats trans, stats$stats logs, stats$dates
    11>    where trans.name='user commits'
    12>     and  logs.name='logons cumulative'
    13>     and  n1.change != 0
    14>    order by n1.name;
Statistic                   Total        Per Transact Per Logon    Per Second
--------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
CPU used by this session           22578       149.52       5644.5         4.13
CPU used when call started         22578       149.52       5644.5         4.13
CR blocks created                   2005        13.28       501.25          .37
DBWR buffers scanned               33394       221.15       8348.5         6.11
DBWR checkpoint buffers wri       165135      1093.61     41283.75        30.23
DBWR checkpoints                     751         4.97       187.75          .14
DBWR free buffers found            22123       146.51      5530.75         4.05
DBWR lru scans                        74          .49         18.5          .01
DBWR make free requests               94          .62         23.5          .02
DBWR summed scan depth             33869        224.3      8467.25          6.2
DBWR transaction table writ          761         5.04       190.25          .14
DBWR undo block writes             15593       103.26      3898.25         2.85
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from         33495       221.82      8373.75         6.13
background checkpoints comp          752         4.98          188          .14
background checkpoints star          751         4.97       187.75          .14
background timeouts                 4747        31.44      1186.75          .87
buffer is not pinned count        329414      2181.55      82353.5        60.31
buffer is pinned count             31067       205.74      7766.75         5.69
bytes received via SQL*Net     187330217   1240597.46  46832554.25        34297
bytes sent via SQL*Net to c      4276571     28321.66   1069142.75       782.97
calls to get snapshot scn:         48390       320.46      12097.5         8.86
calls to kcmgas                     2417        16.01       604.25          .44
calls to kcmgcs                   118630       785.63      29657.5        21.72
change write time                   6569         43.5      1642.25          1.2
cleanouts and rollbacks - c           12          .08            3            0
cleanouts only - consistent       104847       694.35     26211.75         19.2
cluster key scan block gets        12095         80.1      3023.75         2.21
cluster key scans                   5449        36.09      1362.25            1
commit cleanout failures: b          363          2.4        90.75          .07
commit cleanouts                   15830       104.83       3957.5          2.9
commit cleanouts successful        15467       102.43      3866.75         2.83
consistent changes                  2408        15.95          602          .44
consistent gets                   602544      3990.36       150636       110.32
cursor authentications                57          .38        14.25          .01
data blocks consistent read         2011        13.32       502.75          .37
db block changes                 1110248      7352.64       277562       203.27
db block gets                     702959      4655.36    175739.75        128.7
deferred (CURRENT) block cl         3240        21.46          810          .59
dirty buffers inspected            71810       475.56      17952.5        13.15
enqueue releases                   35867       237.53      8966.75         6.57
enqueue requests                   35864       237.51         8966         6.57
enqueue timeouts                       2          .01           .5            0
execute count                      43256       286.46        10814         7.92
free buffer inspected              88124        583.6        22031        16.13
free buffer requested             371075      2457.45     92768.75        67.94
hot buffers moved to head o         3387        22.43       846.75          .62
immediate (CR) block cleano       104859       694.43     26214.75         19.2
immediate (CURRENT) block c          506         3.35        126.5          .09
leaf node splits                      20          .13            5            0
logons cumulative                      4          .03            1            0
logons current                        -1         -.01         -.25            0
messages received                  12782        84.65       3195.5         2.34
messages sent                      12781        84.64      3195.25         2.34
no buffer to keep pinned co           56          .37           14          .01
no work - consistent read g       232549      1540.06     58137.25        42.58
opened cursors cumulative           9028        59.79         2257         1.65
opened cursors current                -1         -.01         -.25            0
parse count (hard)                   556         3.68          139           .1
parse count (total)                 9585        63.48      2396.25         1.75
parse time cpu                       142          .94         35.5          .03
parse time elapsed                   154         1.02         38.5          .03
physical reads                    317056      2099.71        79264        58.05
physical reads direct              82280        544.9        20570        15.06
physical writes                   373775      2475.33     93443.75        68.43
physical writes direct            125562       831.54      31390.5        22.99
physical writes non checkpo       332091      2199.28     83022.75         60.8
pinned buffers inspected           16074       106.45       4018.5         2.94
prefetched blocks                 200087      1325.08     50021.75        36.63
prefetched blocks aged out          6909        45.75      1727.25         1.26
process last non-idle time     838920491   5555764.84 209730122.75    153592.18
recursive calls                   138142       914.85      34535.5        25.29
recursive cpu usage                 6200        41.06         1550         1.14
redo blocks written               750259       4968.6    187564.75       137.36
redo buffer allocation retr         2719        18.01       679.75           .5
redo entries                      741653      4911.61    185413.25       135.78
redo log space requests             3658        24.23        914.5          .67
redo log space wait time          304468      2016.34        76117        55.74
redo size                      371316372   2459048.82     92829093     67981.76
redo synch time                      651         4.31       162.75          .12
redo synch writes                    343         2.27        85.75          .06
redo wastage                     1783948     11814.23       445987       326.61
redo write time                    44654       295.72      11163.5         8.18
redo writer latching time             30           .2          7.5          .01
redo writes                         7067         46.8      1766.75         1.29
rollback changes - undo rec            7          .05         1.75            0
rollbacks only - consistent         1992        13.19          498          .36
rows fetched via callback           2630        17.42        657.5          .48
session connect time           838920491   5555764.84 209730122.75    153592.18
session logical reads            1305503      8645.72    326375.75       239.02
session pga memory               2919876     19336.93       729969       534.58
session pga memory max           3399920     22516.03       849980       622.47
session uga memory                -23756      -157.32        -5939        -4.35
session uga memory max            138020       914.04        34505        25.27
sorts (disk)                          41          .27        10.25          .01
sorts (memory)                       507         3.36       126.75          .09
sorts (rows)                     2128970     14099.14     532242.5       389.78
summed dirty queue length          64098       424.49      16024.5        11.74
table fetch by rowid               16475       109.11      4118.75         3.02
table fetch continued row            138          .91         34.5          .03
table scan blocks gotten          299214      1981.55      74803.5        54.78
table scan rows gotten          14796379     97989.26   3699094.75      2708.97
table scans (long tables)             43          .28        10.75          .01
table scans (short tables)            86          .57         21.5          .02
total file opens                    1641        10.87       410.25           .3
transaction rollbacks                  2          .01           .5            0
transaction tables consiste            1          .01          .25            0
transaction tables consiste            1          .01          .25            0
user calls                         33506       221.89       8376.5         6.13
user commits                         151            1        37.75          .03
write clones created in bac           96          .64           24          .02
write clones created in for          114          .75         28.5          .02
111 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set numwidth 27
Numwidth                        27
SVRMGR> Rem Average length of the dirty buffer write queue.  If this is larger
SVRMGR> Rem than the value of:
SVRMGR> Rem  1. (db_files * db_file_simultaneous_writes)/2
SVRMGR> Rem  or
SVRMGR> Rem  2. 1/4 of db_block_buffers
SVRMGR> Rem which ever is smaller and also there is a platform specific limit
SVRMGR> Rem on the write batch size (normally 1024 or 2048 buffers). If the average
SVRMGR> Rem length of the dirty buffer write queue is larger than the value
SVRMGR> Rem calculated before, increase db_file_simultaneous_writes or db_files.
SVRMGR> Rem Also check for disks that are doing many more IOs than other disks.
SVRMGR> select queue.change/writes.change "Average Write Queue Length"
     2>   from stats$stats queue, stats$stats writes
     3>  where queue.name  = 'summed dirty queue length'
     4>   and  writes.name = 'write requests';
Average Write Queue Length
0 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 32;
Charwidth                       32
SVRMGR> set numwidth 13;
Numwidth                        13
SVRMGR> Rem System wide wait events for non-background processes (PMON,
SVRMGR> Rem SMON, etc).  Times are in hundreths of seconds.  Each one of
SVRMGR> Rem these is a context switch which costs CPU time.  By looking at
SVRMGR> Rem the Total Time you can often determine what is the bottleneck
SVRMGR> Rem that processes are waiting for.  This shows the total time spent
SVRMGR> Rem waiting for a specific event and the average time per wait on
SVRMGR> Rem that event.
SVRMGR> select  n1.event "Event Name",
     2>         n1.event_count "Count",
     3>         n1.time_waited "Total Time",
     4>         round(n1.time_waited/n1.event_count, 2) "Avg Time"
     5>    from stats$event n1
     6>    where n1.event_count > 0
     7>    order by n1.time_waited desc;
Event Name                       Count         Total Time    Avg Time
-------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
virtual circuit status                     178        546994          3073
dispatcher timer                            89        546905          6145
log file switch (checkpoint inco          2896        227757         78.65
SQL*Net message from client              33527        179185          5.34
log file switch completion                 759         76425        100.69
free buffer waits                          281         26572         94.56
log buffer space                          1967          4871          2.48
db file scattered read                   28860          3143           .11
db file sequential read                   4549          1098           .24
log file sync                              343           650           1.9
latch free                                 120           270          2.25
SQL*Net more data from client            72279           182             0
sort segment request                         1           103           103
db file single write                        52            57           1.1
rdbms ipc reply                             52            10           .19
SQL*Net message to client                33526             6             0
control file sequential read               433             2             0
refresh controlfile command                  5             2            .4
direct path write                          185             1           .01
direct path read                             8             0             0
file identify                              104             0             0
file open                                   75             0             0
22 rows selected.
SVRMGR> Rem System wide wait events for background processes (PMON, SMON, etc)
SVRMGR> select  n1.event "Event Name",
     2>         n1.event_count "Count",
     3>         n1.time_waited "Total Time",
     4>         round(n1.time_waited/n1.event_count, 2) "Avg Time"
     5>    from stats$bck_event n1
     6>    where n1.event_count > 0
     7>    order by n1.time_waited desc;
Event Name                       Count         Total Time    Avg Time
-------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
rdbms ipc message                        10860       1938749        178.52
pmon timer                                3075        546251        177.64
smon timer                                  20        530779      26538.95
log file parallel write                   7067         44655          6.32
control file parallel write              10630         11701           1.1
log file single write                     1502           755            .5
free buffer waits                            7           630            90
log file switch (checkpoint inco             3           286         95.33
enqueue                                     42           187          4.45
control file sequential read             26354            85             0
db file parallel write                     850            33           .04
LGWR wait for redo copy                    245            30           .12
latch free                                  15            30             2
rdbms ipc reply                             35            28            .8
refresh controlfile command                  9            22          2.44
db file sequential read                   1249             9           .01
direct path read                          6016             8             0
file identify                             1542             7             0
direct path write                         6016             2             0
log file sequential read                   751             2             0
db file scattered read                     148             1           .01
file open                                 1576             1             0
22 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 18;
Charwidth                       18
SVRMGR> set numwidth 11;
Numwidth                        11
SVRMGR> Rem Latch statistics. Latch contention will show up as a large value for
SVRMGR> Rem the 'latch free' event in the wait events above.
SVRMGR> Rem Sleeps should be low.  The hit_ratio should be high.
SVRMGR> select name latch_name, gets, misses,
     2>     round((gets-misses)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3)
     3>       hit_ratio,
     4>     sleeps,
     5>     round(sleeps/decode(misses,0,1,misses),3) "SLEEPS/MISS"
     6>    from stats$latches
     7>     where gets != 0
     8>     order by name;
------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Active checkpoint         7986           2           1           0           0
Checkpoint queue l      766805         553        .999          95        .172
Token Manager            12220           0           1           0           0
begin backup scn a        1215           0           1           0           0
cache buffer handl           2           0           1           0           0
cache buffers chai     5311738          19           1           8        .421
cache buffers lru       581813         470        .999          32        .068
channel handle poo           3           0           1           0           0
channel operations           6           0           1           0           0
dml lock allocatio        7275           0           1           0           0
enqueue hash chain       71713           0           1           0           0
enqueues                133080           2           1           0           0
event group latch            3           0           1           0           0
job_queue_processe         837           0           1           0           0
ktm global data             24           0           1           0           0
library cache           195676           0           1           0           0
library cache load         634           0           1           0           0
list of block allo        4479           0           1           0           0
loader state objec        1782           0           1           0           0
longop free list            57           0           1           0           0
messages                 55948           2           1           0           0
multiblock read ob       64636           0           1           0           0
ncodef allocation          837           0           1           0           0
process allocation           3           0           1           0           0
process group crea        1675           0           1           0           0
redo allocation         761136         131           1           0           0
redo writing             36501           4           1           0           0
row cache objects        66417           2           1           0           0
sequence cache               8           0           1           0           0
session allocation        1140           0           1           0           0
session idle bit         67491           0           1           0           0
session switching          836           0           1           0           0
session timer             2276           0           1           0           0
shared pool              24193           0           1           0           0
sort extent pool           110           0           1           0           0
transaction alloca        4868           0           1           0           0
transaction branch         836           0           1           0           0
undo global data        126627           1           1           0           0
user lock                    8           0           1           0           0
virtual circuit qu         267           0           1           0           0
40 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set numwidth 16
Numwidth                        16
SVRMGR> Rem Statistics on no_wait gets of latches.  A no_wait get does not
SVRMGR> Rem wait for the latch to become free, it immediately times out.
SVRMGR> select name latch_name,
     2>     immed_gets nowait_gets,
     3>     immed_miss nowait_misses,
     4>     round((immed_gets/(immed_gets+immed_miss)), 3)
     5>       nowait_hit_ratio
     6>    from stats$latches
     7>     where immed_gets + immed_miss != 0
     8>     order by name;
------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
cache buffers chai           659701              241                1
cache buffers lru            370546               84                1
channel handle poo                5                0                1
channel operations                5                0                1
dispatcher configu               89                0                1
process allocation                3                0                1
process group crea                4                0                1
redo copy                    743527              246                1
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> Rem Buffer busy wait statistics.  If the value for 'buffer busy wait' in
SVRMGR> Rem the wait event statistics is high, then this table will identify
SVRMGR> Rem which class of blocks is having high contention.  If there are high
SVRMGR> Rem 'undo header' waits then add more rollback segments.  If there are
SVRMGR> Rem high 'segment header' waits then adding freelists might help.  Check
SVRMGR> Rem v$session_wait to get the addresses of the actual blocks having
SVRMGR> Rem contention.
SVRMGR> select * from stats$waitstat
     2>   where count != 0
     3>   order by count desc;
CLASS              COUNT            TIME
------------------ ---------------- ----------------
0 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set numwidth 19;
Numwidth                        19
SVRMGR> Rem Waits_for_trans_tbl high implies you should add rollback segments.
SVRMGR> select * from stats$roll;
T_SIZE_BYTES  XACTS               SHRINKS             WRAPS
------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------
------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
                  0                  21                   0                   0
       612352                   0                   0                   0
                  2                2112                   0             2092470
      4636672                   0                   0                  17
                  3               13722                   0            23483930
     19587072                   0                   0                 189
                  4                1907                   0             2066050
      5928960                   0                   0                  16
                  5                2038                   0             2083180
     19703808                   0                   0                  17
5 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 39
Charwidth                       39
SVRMGR> Rem The init.ora parameters currently in effect:
SVRMGR> select name, value from v$parameter where isdefault = 'FALSE'
     2>   order by name;
NAME                                    VALUE
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
background_dump_dest                    /oracle/app/oracle/admin/o8i/bdump
compatible                              8.1.0
control_files                           /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/control01.ctl,
core_dump_dest                          /oracle/app/oracle/admin/o8i/cdump
db_block_buffers                        8192
db_block_size                           2048
db_domain                               testInstall.com
db_name                                 o8i
distributed_transactions                10
instance_name                           o8i
java_pool_size                          20971520
job_queue_interval                      60
job_queue_processes                     0
log_buffer                              163840
log_checkpoint_interval                 10000
log_checkpoint_timeout                  1800
mts_dispatchers                         (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))(D
mts_servers                             1
open_links                              4
processes                               30
remote_login_passwordfile               EXCLUSIVE
rollback_segments                       r01, r02, r03, r04
service_names                           o8i.testInstall.com
shared_pool_size                        15728640
timed_statistics                        TRUE
user_dump_dest                          /oracle/app/oracle/admin/o8i/udump
27 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 15;
Charwidth                       15
SVRMGR> set numwidth 8;
Numwidth                        8
SVRMGR> Rem get_miss and scan_miss should be very low compared to the requests.
SVRMGR> Rem cur_usage is the number of entries in the cache that are being used.
SVRMGR> select * from stats$dc
     2>  where get_reqs != 0 or scan_reqs != 0 or mod_reqs != 0;
--------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
dc_tablespaces      2966        8        0        0        0       11        9
dc_free_extents     3036      957      739        0     2391       56       26
dc_segments         1524      158        0        0      722      148      147
dc_rollback_seg      240        0        0        0        0       16        7
dc_used_extents      976      580        0        0      976      232      203
dc_tablespace_q      127        1        0        0      127       23        1
dc_files             106        3        0        0       52       14        3
dc_users            2077        9        0        0        0       12       10
dc_user_grants      1497        8        0        0        0       20        8
dc_objects          1081      233        0        0      408      305      300
dc_usernames         655        1        0        0        0       21        2
dc_object_ids        490      125        0        0      104      215      206
dc_constraints       188       94        0        0      188       51       49
dc_sequences           8        7        0        0        1        9        8
dc_profiles            2        1        0        0        0       14        1
dc_histogram_de      269      225        0        0      225      229      225
16 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 80;
Charwidth                       80
SVRMGR> set numwidth 10;
Numwidth                        10
SVRMGR> Rem Sum IO operations over tablespaces.
SVRMGR> select
     2>   table_space||'                                                 '
     3>      table_space,
     4>   sum(phys_reads) reads,  sum(phys_blks_rd) blks_read,
     5>   sum(phys_rd_time) read_time,  sum(phys_writes) writes,
     6>   sum(phys_blks_wr) blks_wrt,  sum(phys_wrt_tim) write_time,
     7>   sum(megabytes_size) megabytes
     8>  from stats$files
     9>  group by table_space
    10>  order by table_space;
TABLE_SPACE                                                                     READS
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
 752        752          0        752        752          0         84
 752        752          0        752        752          0         10
 752        752          0        752        752          0         31
 770        770          0      17135      17135  140987601         50
SYSTEM                                                                               5
2485      79749        122      97866      97866   12835612        184
 760        824          0        824        824          0         10
 752        752          0        752        752          0         10
USR                                                                                  3
3484     232715       4235     232366     254942 1577833245       8389
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 48;
Charwidth                       48
SVRMGR> set numwidth 10;
Numwidth                        10
SVRMGR> Rem I/O should be spread evenly accross drives. A big difference between
SVRMGR> Rem phys_reads and phys_blks_rd implies table scans are going on.
SVRMGR> select table_space, file_name,
     2>        phys_reads reads, phys_blks_rd blks_read, phys_rd_time read_time,
     3>        phys_writes writes, phys_blks_wr blks_wrt, phys_wrt_tim write_time,
     4>        megabytes_size megabytes
     5>  from stats$files order by table_space, file_name;
TABLE_SPACE                    FILE_NAME                                        READS
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------
---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DRSYS                          /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/drsys01.dbf
 752        752          0        752        752          0         84
INDX                           /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/indx01.dbf
 752        752          0        752        752          0         10
OEM_REPOSITORY                 /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/oemrep01.dbf
 752        752          0        752        752          0         31
RBS                            /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/rbs01.dbf
 770        770          0      17135      17135  140987601         50
SYSTEM                         /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/system01.dbf                 5
2485      79749        122      97866      97866   12835612        184
TEMP                           /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/temp01.dbf
 760        824          0        824        824          0         10
USERS                          /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/users01.dbf
 752        752          0        752        752          0         10
USR                            /oracle/data/usr.dbf                                  3
3484     232715       4235     232366     254942 1577833245       8389
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 25
Charwidth                       25
SVRMGR> Rem The times that bstat and estat were run.
SVRMGR> select to_char(start_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') start_time,
     2>        to_char(end_time,   'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') end_time
     3>   from stats$dates;
------------------ ------------------
19-jan-01 20:32:31 19-jan-01 22:03:33
1 row selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 75
Charwidth                       75
SVRMGR> Rem Versions
SVRMGR> select * from v$version;
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Version - Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
5 rows selected.
SVRMGR> spool off;
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> Rem                 Drop Temporary Tables
SVRMGR> Rem ********************************************************************
SVRMGR> drop table stats$dates;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_stats;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_stats;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$stats;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_latch;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_latch;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$latches;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_roll;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_roll;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$roll;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_file;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_file;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$files;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop view stats$file_view;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_dc;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_dc;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$dc;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_lib;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_lib;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$lib;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_bck_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_bck_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$bck_event;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$begin_waitstat;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$end_waitstat;
Statement processed.
SVRMGR> drop table stats$waitstat;
Statement processed.

  • サーバマネージャを終了し,現在のディレクトリにreport.txtが作成されていることを確認する.

SVRMGR> quit
Server Manager complete.
db1% ls -la report.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   other      34611  1月 19日  22:03 report.txt

  • 今回は,次の様な統計レポートが取得できた.

SVRMGR> set charwidth 12
Charwidth                       12
SVRMGR> set numwidth 10
Numwidth                        10
SVRMGR> Rem Select Library cache statistics.  The pin hit rate should be high.
SVRMGR> select namespace library,
     2>        gets, 
     3>        round(decode(gethits,0,1,gethits)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3) 
     4>           gethitratio,
     5>        pins, 
     6>        round(decode(pinhits,0,1,pinhits)/decode(pins,0,1,pins),3) 
     7>           pinhitratio,
     8>        reloads, invalidations
     9>   from stats$lib;
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
BODY                  1          1          1          1          0          0
CLUSTER              46          1         70          1          0          0
INDEX                56       .018         56       .018          0          0
OBJECT                0          1          0          1          0          0
PIPE                  0          1          0          1          0          0
SQL AREA           9505       .961      61914       .989          1        127
TABLE/PROCED        919       .838       1468       .716         48          0
TRIGGER               0          1          0          1          0          0
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 27;
Charwidth                       27
SVRMGR> set numwidth 12;
Numwidth                        12
SVRMGR> Rem The total is the total value of the statistic between the time
SVRMGR> Rem bstat was run and the time estat was run.  Note that the estat
SVRMGR> Rem script logs on as "internal" so the per_logon statistics will
SVRMGR> Rem always be based on at least one logon.
SVRMGR> select n1.name "Statistic", 
     2>        n1.change "Total", 
     3>        round(n1.change/trans.change,2) "Per Transaction",
     4>        round(n1.change/logs.change,2)  "Per Logon",
     5>        round(n1.change/(to_number(to_char(end_time,   'J'))*60*60*24 -
     6>                         to_number(to_char(start_time, 'J'))*60*60*24 +
     7> 			to_number(to_char(end_time,   'SSSSS')) -
     8> 			to_number(to_char(start_time, 'SSSSS')))
     9>              , 2) "Per Second"
    10>    from stats$stats n1, stats$stats trans, stats$stats logs, stats$dates
    11>    where trans.name='user commits'
    12>     and  logs.name='logons cumulative'
    13>     and  n1.change != 0
    14>    order by n1.name;
Statistic                   Total        Per Transact Per Logon    Per Second  
--------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
CPU used by this session           22578       149.52       5644.5         4.13
CPU used when call started         22578       149.52       5644.5         4.13
CR blocks created                   2005        13.28       501.25          .37
DBWR buffers scanned               33394       221.15       8348.5         6.11
DBWR checkpoint buffers wri       165135      1093.61     41283.75        30.23
DBWR checkpoints                     751         4.97       187.75          .14
DBWR free buffers found            22123       146.51      5530.75         4.05
DBWR lru scans                        74          .49         18.5          .01
DBWR make free requests               94          .62         23.5          .02
DBWR summed scan depth             33869        224.3      8467.25          6.2
DBWR transaction table writ          761         5.04       190.25          .14
DBWR undo block writes             15593       103.26      3898.25         2.85
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from         33495       221.82      8373.75         6.13
background checkpoints comp          752         4.98          188          .14
background checkpoints star          751         4.97       187.75          .14
background timeouts                 4747        31.44      1186.75          .87
buffer is not pinned count        329414      2181.55      82353.5        60.31
buffer is pinned count             31067       205.74      7766.75         5.69
bytes received via SQL*Net     187330217   1240597.46  46832554.25        34297
bytes sent via SQL*Net to c      4276571     28321.66   1069142.75       782.97
calls to get snapshot scn:         48390       320.46      12097.5         8.86
calls to kcmgas                     2417        16.01       604.25          .44
calls to kcmgcs                   118630       785.63      29657.5        21.72
change write time                   6569         43.5      1642.25          1.2
cleanouts and rollbacks - c           12          .08            3            0
cleanouts only - consistent       104847       694.35     26211.75         19.2
cluster key scan block gets        12095         80.1      3023.75         2.21
cluster key scans                   5449        36.09      1362.25            1
commit cleanout failures: b          363          2.4        90.75          .07
commit cleanouts                   15830       104.83       3957.5          2.9
commit cleanouts successful        15467       102.43      3866.75         2.83
consistent changes                  2408        15.95          602          .44
consistent gets                   602544      3990.36       150636       110.32
cursor authentications                57          .38        14.25          .01
data blocks consistent read         2011        13.32       502.75          .37
db block changes                 1110248      7352.64       277562       203.27
db block gets                     702959      4655.36    175739.75        128.7
deferred (CURRENT) block cl         3240        21.46          810          .59
dirty buffers inspected            71810       475.56      17952.5        13.15
enqueue releases                   35867       237.53      8966.75         6.57
enqueue requests                   35864       237.51         8966         6.57
enqueue timeouts                       2          .01           .5            0
execute count                      43256       286.46        10814         7.92
free buffer inspected              88124        583.6        22031        16.13
free buffer requested             371075      2457.45     92768.75        67.94
hot buffers moved to head o         3387        22.43       846.75          .62
immediate (CR) block cleano       104859       694.43     26214.75         19.2
immediate (CURRENT) block c          506         3.35        126.5          .09
leaf node splits                      20          .13            5            0
logons cumulative                      4          .03            1            0
logons current                        -1         -.01         -.25            0
messages received                  12782        84.65       3195.5         2.34
messages sent                      12781        84.64      3195.25         2.34
no buffer to keep pinned co           56          .37           14          .01
no work - consistent read g       232549      1540.06     58137.25        42.58
opened cursors cumulative           9028        59.79         2257         1.65
opened cursors current                -1         -.01         -.25            0
parse count (hard)                   556         3.68          139           .1
parse count (total)                 9585        63.48      2396.25         1.75
parse time cpu                       142          .94         35.5          .03
parse time elapsed                   154         1.02         38.5          .03
physical reads                    317056      2099.71        79264        58.05
physical reads direct              82280        544.9        20570        15.06
physical writes                   373775      2475.33     93443.75        68.43
physical writes direct            125562       831.54      31390.5        22.99
physical writes non checkpo       332091      2199.28     83022.75         60.8
pinned buffers inspected           16074       106.45       4018.5         2.94
prefetched blocks                 200087      1325.08     50021.75        36.63
prefetched blocks aged out          6909        45.75      1727.25         1.26
process last non-idle time     838920491   5555764.84 209730122.75    153592.18
recursive calls                   138142       914.85      34535.5        25.29
recursive cpu usage                 6200        41.06         1550         1.14
redo blocks written               750259       4968.6    187564.75       137.36
redo buffer allocation retr         2719        18.01       679.75           .5
redo entries                      741653      4911.61    185413.25       135.78
redo log space requests             3658        24.23        914.5          .67
redo log space wait time          304468      2016.34        76117        55.74
redo size                      371316372   2459048.82     92829093     67981.76
redo synch time                      651         4.31       162.75          .12
redo synch writes                    343         2.27        85.75          .06
redo wastage                     1783948     11814.23       445987       326.61
redo write time                    44654       295.72      11163.5         8.18
redo writer latching time             30           .2          7.5          .01
redo writes                         7067         46.8      1766.75         1.29
rollback changes - undo rec            7          .05         1.75            0
rollbacks only - consistent         1992        13.19          498          .36
rows fetched via callback           2630        17.42        657.5          .48
session connect time           838920491   5555764.84 209730122.75    153592.18
session logical reads            1305503      8645.72    326375.75       239.02
session pga memory               2919876     19336.93       729969       534.58
session pga memory max           3399920     22516.03       849980       622.47
session uga memory                -23756      -157.32        -5939        -4.35
session uga memory max            138020       914.04        34505        25.27
sorts (disk)                          41          .27        10.25          .01
sorts (memory)                       507         3.36       126.75          .09
sorts (rows)                     2128970     14099.14     532242.5       389.78
summed dirty queue length          64098       424.49      16024.5        11.74
table fetch by rowid               16475       109.11      4118.75         3.02
table fetch continued row            138          .91         34.5          .03
table scan blocks gotten          299214      1981.55      74803.5        54.78
table scan rows gotten          14796379     97989.26   3699094.75      2708.97
table scans (long tables)             43          .28        10.75          .01
table scans (short tables)            86          .57         21.5          .02
total file opens                    1641        10.87       410.25           .3
transaction rollbacks                  2          .01           .5            0
transaction tables consiste            1          .01          .25            0
transaction tables consiste            1          .01          .25            0
user calls                         33506       221.89       8376.5         6.13
user commits                         151            1        37.75          .03
write clones created in bac           96          .64           24          .02
write clones created in for          114          .75         28.5          .02
111 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set numwidth 27
Numwidth                        27
SVRMGR> Rem Average length of the dirty buffer write queue.  If this is larger 
SVRMGR> Rem than the value of:
SVRMGR> Rem  1. (db_files * db_file_simultaneous_writes)/2
SVRMGR> Rem  or
SVRMGR> Rem  2. 1/4 of db_block_buffers
SVRMGR> Rem which ever is smaller and also there is a platform specific limit
SVRMGR> Rem on the write batch size (normally 1024 or 2048 buffers). If the average 
SVRMGR> Rem length of the dirty buffer write queue is larger than the value 
SVRMGR> Rem calculated before, increase db_file_simultaneous_writes or db_files.
SVRMGR> Rem Also check for disks that are doing many more IOs than other disks.
SVRMGR> select queue.change/writes.change "Average Write Queue Length"
     2>   from stats$stats queue, stats$stats writes
     3>  where queue.name  = 'summed dirty queue length'
     4>   and  writes.name = 'write requests';
Average Write Queue Length 
0 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 32;
Charwidth                       32
SVRMGR> set numwidth 13;
Numwidth                        13
SVRMGR> Rem System wide wait events for non-background processes (PMON, 
SVRMGR> Rem SMON, etc).  Times are in hundreths of seconds.  Each one of 
SVRMGR> Rem these is a context switch which costs CPU time.  By looking at
SVRMGR> Rem the Total Time you can often determine what is the bottleneck 
SVRMGR> Rem that processes are waiting for.  This shows the total time spent
SVRMGR> Rem waiting for a specific event and the average time per wait on 
SVRMGR> Rem that event.
SVRMGR> select 	n1.event "Event Name", 
     2>        	n1.event_count "Count",
     3> 	n1.time_waited "Total Time",
     4> 	round(n1.time_waited/n1.event_count, 2) "Avg Time"
     5>    from stats$event n1
     6>    where n1.event_count > 0
     7>    order by n1.time_waited desc;
Event Name                       Count         Total Time    Avg Time     
-------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
virtual circuit status                     178        546994          3073
dispatcher timer                            89        546905          6145
log file switch (checkpoint inco          2896        227757         78.65
SQL*Net message from client              33527        179185          5.34
log file switch completion                 759         76425        100.69
free buffer waits                          281         26572         94.56
log buffer space                          1967          4871          2.48
db file scattered read                   28860          3143           .11
db file sequential read                   4549          1098           .24
log file sync                              343           650           1.9
latch free                                 120           270          2.25
SQL*Net more data from client            72279           182             0
sort segment request                         1           103           103
db file single write                        52            57           1.1
rdbms ipc reply                             52            10           .19
SQL*Net message to client                33526             6             0
control file sequential read               433             2             0
refresh controlfile command                  5             2            .4
direct path write                          185             1           .01
direct path read                             8             0             0
file identify                              104             0             0
file open                                   75             0             0
22 rows selected.
SVRMGR> Rem System wide wait events for background processes (PMON, SMON, etc)
SVRMGR> select 	n1.event "Event Name", 
     2>        	n1.event_count "Count",
     3> 	n1.time_waited "Total Time",
     4> 	round(n1.time_waited/n1.event_count, 2) "Avg Time"
     5>    from stats$bck_event n1
     6>    where n1.event_count > 0
     7>    order by n1.time_waited desc;
Event Name                       Count         Total Time    Avg Time     
-------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
rdbms ipc message                        10860       1938749        178.52
pmon timer                                3075        546251        177.64
smon timer                                  20        530779      26538.95
log file parallel write                   7067         44655          6.32
control file parallel write              10630         11701           1.1
log file single write                     1502           755            .5
free buffer waits                            7           630            90
log file switch (checkpoint inco             3           286         95.33
enqueue                                     42           187          4.45
control file sequential read             26354            85             0
db file parallel write                     850            33           .04
LGWR wait for redo copy                    245            30           .12
latch free                                  15            30             2
rdbms ipc reply                             35            28            .8
refresh controlfile command                  9            22          2.44
db file sequential read                   1249             9           .01
direct path read                          6016             8             0
file identify                             1542             7             0
direct path write                         6016             2             0
log file sequential read                   751             2             0
db file scattered read                     148             1           .01
file open                                 1576             1             0
22 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 18;
Charwidth                       18
SVRMGR> set numwidth 11;
Numwidth                        11
SVRMGR> Rem Latch statistics. Latch contention will show up as a large value for
SVRMGR> Rem the 'latch free' event in the wait events above.
SVRMGR> Rem Sleeps should be low.  The hit_ratio should be high.
SVRMGR> select name latch_name, gets, misses,
     2>     round((gets-misses)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3) 
     3>       hit_ratio,
     4>     sleeps,
     5>     round(sleeps/decode(misses,0,1,misses),3) "SLEEPS/MISS"
     6>    from stats$latches 
     7>     where gets != 0
     8>     order by name;
------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Active checkpoint         7986           2           1           0           0
Checkpoint queue l      766805         553        .999          95        .172
Token Manager            12220           0           1           0           0
begin backup scn a        1215           0           1           0           0
cache buffer handl           2           0           1           0           0
cache buffers chai     5311738          19           1           8        .421
cache buffers lru       581813         470        .999          32        .068
channel handle poo           3           0           1           0           0
channel operations           6           0           1           0           0
dml lock allocatio        7275           0           1           0           0
enqueue hash chain       71713           0           1           0           0
enqueues                133080           2           1           0           0
event group latch            3           0           1           0           0
job_queue_processe         837           0           1           0           0
ktm global data             24           0           1           0           0
library cache           195676           0           1           0           0
library cache load         634           0           1           0           0
list of block allo        4479           0           1           0           0
loader state objec        1782           0           1           0           0
longop free list            57           0           1           0           0
messages                 55948           2           1           0           0
multiblock read ob       64636           0           1           0           0
ncodef allocation          837           0           1           0           0
process allocation           3           0           1           0           0
process group crea        1675           0           1           0           0
redo allocation         761136         131           1           0           0
redo writing             36501           4           1           0           0
row cache objects        66417           2           1           0           0
sequence cache               8           0           1           0           0
session allocation        1140           0           1           0           0
session idle bit         67491           0           1           0           0
session switching          836           0           1           0           0
session timer             2276           0           1           0           0
shared pool              24193           0           1           0           0
sort extent pool           110           0           1           0           0
transaction alloca        4868           0           1           0           0
transaction branch         836           0           1           0           0
undo global data        126627           1           1           0           0
user lock                    8           0           1           0           0
virtual circuit qu         267           0           1           0           0
40 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set numwidth 16
Numwidth                        16
SVRMGR> Rem Statistics on no_wait gets of latches.  A no_wait get does not 
SVRMGR> Rem wait for the latch to become free, it immediately times out.
SVRMGR> select name latch_name,
     2>     immed_gets nowait_gets,
     3>     immed_miss nowait_misses,
     4>     round((immed_gets/(immed_gets+immed_miss)), 3)
     5>       nowait_hit_ratio 
     6>    from stats$latches 
     7>     where immed_gets + immed_miss != 0
     8>     order by name;
------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
cache buffers chai           659701              241                1
cache buffers lru            370546               84                1
channel handle poo                5                0                1
channel operations                5                0                1
dispatcher configu               89                0                1
process allocation                3                0                1
process group crea                4                0                1
redo copy                    743527              246                1
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> Rem Buffer busy wait statistics.  If the value for 'buffer busy wait' in 
SVRMGR> Rem the wait event statistics is high, then this table will identify
SVRMGR> Rem which class of blocks is having high contention.  If there are high
SVRMGR> Rem 'undo header' waits then add more rollback segments.  If there are
SVRMGR> Rem high 'segment header' waits then adding freelists might help.  Check
SVRMGR> Rem v$session_wait to get the addresses of the actual blocks having
SVRMGR> Rem contention.
SVRMGR> select * from stats$waitstat 
     2>   where count != 0 
     3>   order by count desc;
CLASS              COUNT            TIME            
------------------ ---------------- ----------------
0 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set numwidth 19;
Numwidth                        19
SVRMGR> Rem Waits_for_trans_tbl high implies you should add rollback segments.
SVRMGR> select * from stats$roll;
------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
                  0                  21                   0                   0              612352                   0                   0                   0
                  2                2112                   0             2092470             4636672                   0                   0                  17
                  3               13722                   0            23483930            19587072                   0                   0                 189
                  4                1907                   0             2066050             5928960                   0                   0                  16
                  5                2038                   0             2083180            19703808                   0                   0                  17
5 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 39
Charwidth                       39
SVRMGR> Rem The init.ora parameters currently in effect:
SVRMGR> select name, value from v$parameter where isdefault = 'FALSE' 
     2>   order by name;
NAME                                    VALUE                                  
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
background_dump_dest                    /oracle/app/oracle/admin/o8i/bdump     
compatible                              8.1.0                                  
control_files                           /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/control01.ctl,
core_dump_dest                          /oracle/app/oracle/admin/o8i/cdump     
db_block_buffers                        8192                                   
db_block_size                           2048                                   
db_domain                               testInstall.com                        
db_name                                 o8i                                    
distributed_transactions                10                                     
instance_name                           o8i                                    
java_pool_size                          20971520                               
job_queue_interval                      60                                     
job_queue_processes                     0                                      
log_buffer                              163840                                 
log_checkpoint_interval                 10000                                  
log_checkpoint_timeout                  1800                                   
mts_dispatchers                         (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))(D
mts_servers                             1                                      
open_links                              4                                      
processes                               30                                     
remote_login_passwordfile               EXCLUSIVE                              
rollback_segments                       r01, r02, r03, r04                     
service_names                           o8i.testInstall.com                    
shared_pool_size                        15728640                               
timed_statistics                        TRUE                                   
user_dump_dest                          /oracle/app/oracle/admin/o8i/udump     
27 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 15;
Charwidth                       15
SVRMGR> set numwidth 8;
Numwidth                        8
SVRMGR> Rem get_miss and scan_miss should be very low compared to the requests.
SVRMGR> Rem cur_usage is the number of entries in the cache that are being used.
SVRMGR> select * from stats$dc
     2>  where get_reqs != 0 or scan_reqs != 0 or mod_reqs != 0;
--------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
dc_tablespaces      2966        8        0        0        0       11        9
dc_free_extents     3036      957      739        0     2391       56       26
dc_segments         1524      158        0        0      722      148      147
dc_rollback_seg      240        0        0        0        0       16        7
dc_used_extents      976      580        0        0      976      232      203
dc_tablespace_q      127        1        0        0      127       23        1
dc_files             106        3        0        0       52       14        3
dc_users            2077        9        0        0        0       12       10
dc_user_grants      1497        8        0        0        0       20        8
dc_objects          1081      233        0        0      408      305      300
dc_usernames         655        1        0        0        0       21        2
dc_object_ids        490      125        0        0      104      215      206
dc_constraints       188       94        0        0      188       51       49
dc_sequences           8        7        0        0        1        9        8
dc_profiles            2        1        0        0        0       14        1
dc_histogram_de      269      225        0        0      225      229      225
16 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 80;
Charwidth                       80
SVRMGR> set numwidth 10;
Numwidth                        10
SVRMGR> Rem Sum IO operations over tablespaces.
SVRMGR> select
     2>   table_space||'                                                 ' 
     3>      table_space,
     4>   sum(phys_reads) reads,  sum(phys_blks_rd) blks_read,
     5>   sum(phys_rd_time) read_time,  sum(phys_writes) writes,
     6>   sum(phys_blks_wr) blks_wrt,  sum(phys_wrt_tim) write_time,
     7>   sum(megabytes_size) megabytes
     8>  from stats$files
     9>  group by table_space
    10>  order by table_space;
TABLE_SPACE                                                                     READS      BLKS_READ  READ_TIME  WRITES     BLKS_WRT   WRITE_TIME MEGABYTES 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DRSYS                                                                                  752        752          0        752        752          0         84
INDX                                                                                   752        752          0        752        752          0         10
OEM_REPOSITORY                                                                         752        752          0        752        752          0         31
RBS                                                                                    770        770          0      17135      17135  140987601         50
SYSTEM                                                                               52485      79749        122      97866      97866   12835612        184
TEMP                                                                                   760        824          0        824        824          0         10
USERS                                                                                  752        752          0        752        752          0         10
USR                                                                                  33484     232715       4235     232366     254942 1577833245       8389
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 48;
Charwidth                       48
SVRMGR> set numwidth 10;
Numwidth                        10
SVRMGR> Rem I/O should be spread evenly accross drives. A big difference between
SVRMGR> Rem phys_reads and phys_blks_rd implies table scans are going on.
SVRMGR> select table_space, file_name,
     2>        phys_reads reads, phys_blks_rd blks_read, phys_rd_time read_time,
     3>        phys_writes writes, phys_blks_wr blks_wrt, phys_wrt_tim write_time, 
     4>        megabytes_size megabytes
     5>  from stats$files order by table_space, file_name;
TABLE_SPACE                    FILE_NAME                                        READS      BLKS_READ  READ_TIME  WRITES     BLKS_WRT   WRITE_TIME MEGABYTES 
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
DRSYS                          /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/drsys01.dbf                    752        752          0        752        752          0         84
INDX                           /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/indx01.dbf                     752        752          0        752        752          0         10
OEM_REPOSITORY                 /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/oemrep01.dbf                   752        752          0        752        752          0         31
RBS                            /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/rbs01.dbf                      770        770          0      17135      17135  140987601         50
SYSTEM                         /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/system01.dbf                 52485      79749        122      97866      97866   12835612        184
TEMP                           /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/temp01.dbf                     760        824          0        824        824          0         10
USERS                          /oracle/data/oradata/o8i/users01.dbf                    752        752          0        752        752          0         10
USR                            /oracle/data/usr.dbf                                  33484     232715       4235     232366     254942 1577833245       8389
8 rows selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 25
Charwidth                       25
SVRMGR> Rem The times that bstat and estat were run.
SVRMGR> select to_char(start_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') start_time,
     2>        to_char(end_time,   'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') end_time
     3>   from stats$dates;
START_TIME         END_TIME          
------------------ ------------------
19-jan-01 20:32:31 19-jan-01 22:03:33
1 row selected.
SVRMGR> set charwidth 75
Charwidth                       75
SVRMGR> Rem Versions
SVRMGR> select * from v$version;
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production      
PL/SQL Release - Production                           
CORE Version - Production                             
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production                 
NLSRTL Version - Production                           
5 rows selected.
SVRMGR> spool off;
