UJP - 技術情報2 バックアップ : Splunk/ の変更点

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現: 2019-10-22 (火) 17:05:17 nobuaki ソース 編集
Line 1: Line 1:
 +*Running SplunkWeb in Legacy Mode by setting appServerPorts = 0 [#jcf9b029]
 +**はじめに [#x3f0dc07]
 + Splunkをインストールし,nginxをフロントエンドにしてい他のだけれど,メッセージ通知があったので,それを改善する.
 +**メッセージを確認 [#h4171485]
 + リンクにアクセスすると,次のページに.
 + ここには次のように記載.
 +Running SplunkWeb in Legacy Mode by setting appServerPorts = 0 in web.conf has been deprecated. This was a temporary workaround for issues that are now resolved. Normal mode provides performance and configuration benefits.
 + web.confのappServerPortsを0に設定する事は最新のバージョンでは廃止されていて,元々一時的なものだったようだ.
 + という事で,修復してみる.
 +**web.confの設定を変更 [#c27aff6d]
 + まずは変更するweb.confを確認.
 + $ cd /Applications/Splunk/etc/system/default🆑
 + $ ls -la web.conf🆑
 + -r--r--r-- 1 nobuaki wheel 53448 10 22 16:41 web.conf🈁
 + $
 + web.confの中身を確認.
 + # list of ports to start python application servers on (although usually
 + # one port is enough)  Set to 0 to instead run the application server
 + # directly as the web front end on 'httpport', separate from splunkd.
 + #appServerPorts = 8065
 + appServerPorts = 0
 + nginxをリバースプロキシにする際にappServerPorts=0を設定しているが,これを元に戻す.
 + # list of ports to start python application servers on (although usually
 + # one port is enough)  Set to 0 to instead run the application server
 + # directly as the web front end on 'httpport', separate from splunkd.
 + appServerPorts = 8065
 + #appServerPorts = 0
 + 元に戻したら,Splunkの再起動.
 + $ /Applications/Splunk/bin/splunk stop🆑
 + Stopping splunkweb...
 + Stopping splunkd...
 + Shutting down.  Please wait, as this may take a few minutes.
 + Stopping splunk helpers...
 + Done.
 + $
 + 停止できたら,起動する.
 + $ /Applications/Splunk/bin/splunk start🆑
 + Splunk> Finding your faults, just like mom.
 + Checking prerequisites...
 +  Checking http port [8000]: open
 +  Checking mgmt port [8089]: open
 +  Checking appserver port []: open🈁
 +  Checking kvstore port [8191]: open
 +  Checking configuration... Done.
 +  Checking critical directories... Done
 +  Checking indexes...
 +  Validated: _audit _internal _introspection _telemetry _thefishbucket history ipaccess_access ipaccess_error juno_syslog main
 + ujpadmin_access ujpadmin_error summary ujp_access ujp_error ujp_mail
 + ujp_mailaccess
 +  Done
 +  Checking filesystem compatibility...  Done
 +  Checking conf files for problems...
 +  Done
 +  Checking default conf files for edits...
 +  Validating installed files against hashes from '/Applications/Splunk/splunk-'
 + File '/Applications/Splunk/etc/system/default/web.conf' changed.
 +  Problems were found, please review your files and
 + move customizations to local
 + All preliminary checks passed.
 + Starting splunk server daemon (splunkd)...
 + Done
 + Waiting for web server at to be available.... Done
 + If you get stuck, we're here to help.
 + Look for answers here: http://docs.splunk.com
 + The Splunk web interface is at http://gaia.local:8000
 + $
 + appServerもポート8065で稼働したことが確認できた.
 +**Splunkにログインしてメッセージの確認 [#x15f5def]
 + 再起動後,ログインしてみる.
 + エラーメッセージがなくなっていた.(新バージョンが出ているらしいが・・・)

  • Splunk/ のバックアップ差分(No. All)
    • 現: 2019-10-22 (火) 17:05:17 nobuaki

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