UJP - 技術情報2 : Home Brewでモジュールを更新する HomeBrew/UpdateUpgrade

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 このドキュメントでは,MacOS X用のパッケージ管理ソフト,HomeBrewにて,インストールしたパッケージを更新する手順を説明する.  まず,updateコマンドで更新情報を確認し,upgradeコマンドで実際のアップグレードを行う.

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ターミナルで,brew updateコマンドを入力する.
MBA13:~  ujpadmin$ brew update
Updated Homebrew from 05efd70 to 2f20a42.
Updated 2 taps (caskroom/cask, homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
apache-flink               dssim                      libosinfo                  swi-prolog
bookloupe                  frege-repl                 mit-scheme                 umlet
byteman                    gdrive                     no-more-secrets            wiredtiger
civl                       github-markdown-toc        nuget                      yadm
cli53                      gpx                        ocamlbuild                 zplug
czmqpp                     grt                        pcb2gcode                  zsh-navigation-tools
docker-clean               hspell                     pelikan
docutils                   kpcli                      percona-xtrabackup
==> Updated Formulae
ace                        galen                      logtalk                    rethinkdb
activemq                   gconf                      mackup                     rt-audio
activemq-cpp               gd                         macvim                     ruby
afl-fuzz                   getmail                    mailutils                  sbcl
akka                       gexiv2                     mapserver                  sflowtool
app-engine-go-32           ghostscript                mariadb                    sile
app-engine-go-64           gimp                       media-info                 skinny
appscale-tools             git                        menhir                     slimerjs
aqbanking                  git-cola                   mercurial                  snapraid
aria2                      git-standup                mercury                    sngrep
artifactory                gitbucket                  metabase                   sonar
at-spi2-core               gitlab-ci-multi-runner     mg3a                       sops
avidemux                   gnatsd                     micropython                squirrel
aws-sdk-cpp                gnu-smalltalk              midgard2                   srtp
awscli                     gnutls                     midnight-commander         sshrc
azure-cli                  godep                      miller                     stash-cli
basex                      google-benchmark           miniupnpc                  storm
bitrise                    gost                       mkvtoolnix                 stunnel
blucat                     gphoto2                    mongodb                    subnetcalc
buildapp                   grails                     mpd                        subversion ✔
byobu                      graphite2                  mpfr                       svtplay-dl
cabal-install              groonga                    mstch                      swiftlint
cake                       gst-plugins-good           mutt                       syncthing
camlp4                     gwenhywfar                 natalie                    tailor
camlp5                     haskell-stack              neko                       tarantool
carina                     hbase                      neo4j                      telegraf
ccache                     henplus                    nghttp2                    thefuck
ccze                       hqx                        nginx                      tika
checkstyle                 idnits                     node                       tippecanoe
clojurescript              imagemagick                node-build                 tomcat-native
conan                      imgur-screenshot           nodebrew                   tomee-jax-rs
corectl                    imlib2                     notmuch                    tomee-plume
cputhrottle                infer                      nvm                        tomee-plus
crystal-lang               influxdb                   ocaml                      tomee-webprofile
dbus-glib                  jboss-forge                ocamlsdl                   trafficserver
devil                      jenkins                    opam                       typesafe-activator
diff-pdf                   jfrog-cli-go               openssl ✔                  u-boot-tools
diff-so-fancy              jruby                      optipng                    ucspi-tools
dmd                        jsonnet                    p7zip                      unifdef
docker                     juise                      pandoc-citeproc            vault-cli
docker-compose             kapacitor                  pastebinit                 vim
dockviz                    karn                       pdf-redact-tools           vnu
doitlive                   kerl                       pdf2htmlex                 vorbis-tools
dovecot                    kobalt                     peco                       vultr
dwarf                      kotlin                     platformio                 wavpack
efl                        kubernetes-cli             pngcrush                   weechat
elixir                     lablgtk                    points2grid                wine
elixirscript               libgcrypt                  poppler                    winetricks
elm                        libgpg-error               postgresql                 wireshark
emscripten                 libgphoto2                 premake                    x264
entr                       libksba                    prometheus                 xapian
euca2ools                  libmarisa                  pyenv                      xonsh
euler-py                   libpointing                pypy                       xplanetfx
exempi                     librdkafka                 pyqt5                      xxhash
expat                      libressl                   pyvim                      yafc
fcitx-remote-for-osx       libsass                    qbs                        youtube-dl
ffmpeg                     libslax                    qemu                       yubico-piv-tool
file-roller                libsoxr                    qtfaststart                zimg
flow                       libspectre                 racket                     zpaq
flyway                     libvirt                    rakudo-star                zzuf
freetds                    libzip                     redis
==> Renamed Formulae
beanstalk -> beanstalkd    d-bus -> dbus              heroku-toolbelt -> heroku  letsencrypt -> certbot
==> Deleted Formulae
cvc4                                tegh                                tinyscheme
MBA13:~  ujpadmin$


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MBA13:~  ujpadmin$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages, with result:
openssl 1.0.2h_1, subversion 1.9.4
==> Upgrading openssl
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/openssl-1.0.2h_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring openssl-1.0.2h_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
A CA file has been bootstrapped using certificates from the system
keychain. To add additional certificates, place .pem files in
and run
This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local.
Apple has deprecated use of OpenSSL in favor of its own TLS and crypto libraries
Generally there are no consequences of this for you. If you build your
own software and it requires this formula, you'll need to add to your
build variables:
    LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
    CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2h_1: 1,691 files, 12M
==> Upgrading subversion
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/subversion-1.9.4.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring subversion-1.9.4.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
svntools have been installed to:
Bash completion has been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/subversion/1.9.4: 148 files, 11.1M
MBA13:~  ujpadmin$
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MBA13:~ ujpadmin$ brew doctor
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry and just ignore them. Thanks!
Warning: /usr/bin occurs before /usr/local/bin
This means that system-provided programs will be used instead of those
provided by Homebrew. The following tools exist at both paths:
Consider setting your PATH so that /usr/local/bin
occurs before /usr/bin. Here is a one-liner:
  echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
MBA13:~ ujpadmin$


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最終更新: 2016-05-15 (日) 23:49:00 (JST) (2994d) by shinnai(shinnai)
