UJP - ロシアからの手紙がきたのでVirusTotalにアップロードしてみた

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ブログ - ロシアからの手紙がきたのでVirusTotalにアップロードしてみた


カテゴリ : 
セキュリティ » スパム・フィッシング
ブロガー : 
ujpblog 2020/8/6 22:50


Здравствуйте. У меня есть предложения для
 владельца сайта.
Передайте пожалуйста мои предложения
 и контакты руководству, которые указаны
 в прикрепленных файлах.

Hello. I have suggestions for the site owner. 
Please pass on my suggestions and contacts to the management,
 which are indicated in the attached files.  




 Microsfot Wordだけれど,macOSを使っていたらWordを開かずともQuickLookで参照可能. 一応,VirusTotalにアップロードして検査.



Hello. Are you interested in setting up and maintaining contextual advertising?
I have been setting up and running contextual advertising for over 9 years.

My WhatsApp /Viber for fast communication: +380973510878
My Skype: mayboroda[_]aleks

What benefits do you get?

1. The lowest cost of attracting the buyer of your goods or services.
2. Only the target audience, ready to buy your product or service.
3. Save time on finding customers.
4. Payment is only for going to the site of an interested buyer.
5. Instant result. You don’t have to wait 5-7 months as when promoting a site in order to start receiving targeted traffic or looking for it in other ineffective ways that lead in the majority to non-target audience.
6. Return on investment in the first month.
7. Savings on staff who deal with inefficient ways to attract customers.
8. A regular customer. Since the customer’s contacts are saved when ordering
in the future, he can be offered other goods and services through the newsletter.

What I suggest:

1. Analysis of competitors and recommendations for improving the site, to increase the conversion of the visitor into a real, regular customer.
2. Gathering only targeted sales inquiries that will lead buyers who are ready to buy.
3. Setting up contextual advertising based on an analysis of your site and competitors' sites.
4. Create ads for each request.
5. Launching and maintaining contextual advertising, filtering out unnecessary requests that do not bring effect, changing ads to more effective ones that will increase conversion and save the budget.

Monthly cost of service

For the work on setting up and running advertising, I take 42$ per month.
An advertising budget is also needed - I recommend from 144$ per month.
You can pay once a week: 11$ for work + 36$ per week of the advertising budget
= 47$ per week.


1. Immediately after the launch of advertising, you will be able to see your site for certain queries in the top 3 search engines. And you do not have to wait and believe for 5-7 months, the site will be in the top 3 with advancement or not.
2. Already in the first week of the launch of advertising, you will receive real orders.
3. You can make money in advertising and for work once a week.
4. I, as well as you, are interested in the effectiveness of advertising and the continuation of long-term cooperation. Since if you will benefit, then I will benefit - long-term cooperation.
5. Reporting. You will receive a list of requests for which phrases your ad is showing in the top 3 search engines and you will be able to evaluate the quality of the created ads and the presence of your site in the first positions of Yandex and Google. As well as the number of orders from the site.

My WhatsApp /Viber for fast communication: +380[9]73510878
My Skype: mayboroda[_]aleks

Sincerely, Alexander, a specialist in setting up and maintaining contextual advertising.

